Allow me to introduce myself, I’m an artiste, and I’m sensitive about my work. LOL.
No, seriously, I LOVE TO WRITE. And although I haven’t written in a few years, creating fictional stories and characters does something to my spirit. It excites and invigorates me every time I sit down to flesh out the plot and development of a particular story.
When I wrote the first pieces I’ll share, they were writing assignments while I was pursuing my Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing back in 2012 and 2013. They were prompted, had parameters, and word count limits.
What I post will not be perfect, but then again, is any writing perfect? I’ll answer that for you, NO! LOL. There is always room for revision and improvement with any written work. While we mostly enjoy the fictional books we delight in, anytime we read a fictional novel or story, we tend to imagine what we would do differently if we authored that story. And that’s okay, but I believe you’ll enjoy what I present to you.
And because I have so many thoughts on varying topics and inspirational downloads from God, I’ll share all of that via this blog as well.
Check back weekly to take pleasure in reading my flash fiction, poems, and inspirational posts.
Thank you so much for tuning in and have a great day.
